[Coco] Y cable construction

Ryan J R Pritchard coconut at pritchard.ca
Mon Apr 15 00:41:35 EDT 2013

Mike the document you are looking for is on the website Glen mentions as a followup to this thread.

On 2013-04-14, at 9:02 PM, Glen VanDenBiggelaar <glenvdb at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Try to find a copy of Marty Goodman's book "A full Turn of the Screw" . PDF is available all over the 'net. It has complete instructions for this and many other "hardware hacks".
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Mike Rowen mike at bcmr3.net 
>> Sun Apr 14 19:25:56 EDT 2013
>> Hi everyone. I'm attempting a simple Y cable. At the moment, I have a single 40 pin connector at the end of a 5.5" ribbon cable. The contacts check out good when I do a continuity test. I do not >find any shorts. 
>> I plugged it into my CoCo 3 with a ROM pack connected via the ribbon cable and that works fine. When I switch to a Floppy controller, it generates a screen of garbage. The disk controller >works fine when connected directly. I attached some alligator leads from the ground tabs on the controller cart to the CoCo 3 ground tabs, knowing better ground was required. 
>> Any suggestions to create a working Y cable (other than a multiple-pak!)? 
>> Thanks, 
>> -Mike R 		 	   		  
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