[Coco] can't compile Toolshed on CygWin

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 09:45:36 EDT 2013

erh CVS ? You mean mercurial right ? Are you taking this one ?

hg clone http://hg.code.sf.net/p/toolshed/code toolshed-code

then you do:

cd build/win32

If you get errors is because you're using gcc4 instead of 3. Change int the
build\win32\Makefile this line to:

export CC=gcc-3

And be happy. I just rebuild a fresh check-out.

Luis Felipe.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 12:00 AM, David Ladd <drencor at gamepixel.net> wrote:

> Bob,
> At this point I did try to build toolshed inside cygwin and it did fail for
> me as well.  Though I have systems I use linux natively on.  If you do have
> a spare system that has linux on it I would go that route.  If not then I
> might try using VirtualBox with a linux install in a vBox session.
> There are others that might may have found a workaround for this on CygWin
> and might chime in on this.
> I myself would just go a full linux system myself as I have had other
> source packages not want to compile under cygwin in the past.  So rather
> than fight a mule I just replaced the mule with a race horse so to speak :P
> :D
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