[Coco] Adapting a V9958 64-pin Chip to fit a Solderless Breadboard

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Thu Apr 4 07:59:23 EDT 2013

On Apr 4, 2013, at 2:44 AM, Kip Koon <computerdoc at sc.rr.com> wrote:

> Has anyone ever adapted a V9958 Video Graphics Controller 64-pin chip with
> tiny spacing on the pins to fit a solderless breadboard?  I was not aware of
> this very small pin spacing when I was researching the chip.  I liked the
> chip's capabilities and at $6.40 a chip, the price was too good to pass up!
> This will take some doing.  I may have to compromise and use an earlier
> chip.  Maybe the TMS9918 or TMS9928.  Were there any others in that chip
> line.
> Were there other chip manufacturers with interesting Video Graphics chips I
> should consider?

Kip, look at "Schmart Boards" -- they are sold at Radio Shack now, even. They claim to let someone hand solder even surface mount parts:


Allen Huffman - PO Box 22031 - Clive IA 50325 - 515-999-0227 (vmail/TXT only)
Sent from my MacBook.

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