[Coco] rebuild NitrOS9 with superIDE
Retro Canada
retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 10:16:59 EDT 2012
Yes I can boot from DW in this way but I cannot acess (or at least I
don't know how) to make a floppy inside the HDB-DOS virtual drives. I
can acess the nos9 sIDE through /i0 but none of the 255 virtual
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Bill Pierce <ooogalapasooo at aol.com> wrote:
> Can't you boot HDBDOS for DW, then DW drives?
> In a letter Mark sent me, helping someone else, he stated:
> ***********
> He needs to flip the switch on the sIDE(SuperIDE) up, so that all configuration switches are up.
> This will then have the boot rom for HDB-DOS to talk to DW server. Doesn't matter DW3 or DW4, it all works.
> ************
> This will boot HDBDOS into DW. Mount a good boot for sIDE in DW (nitro repository), boot, make new disk, cobbler, ezgen, save, then use sidewalk. I'm not real sure of the process as I do not have an sIDE, but it was working for the OP
> Hope it helps
> Bill P
> Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3
> https://sites.google.com/site/dabarnstudio/
> Bill Pierce
> ooogalapasooo at aol.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Retro Canada <retrocanada76 at gmail.com>
> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Sent: Mon, Sep 24, 2012 9:36 am
> Subject: Re: [Coco] rebuild NitrOS9 with superIDE
> hmm that's my problem: I don't have a multipak. I can't use the sIDE
> and the floppy at same time :(
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Bill Pierce <ooogalapasooo at aol.com> wrote:
>> I run Kings Quest 3 a lot. So I had to create a boot with the VDG & VRN
> drivers
>> try using EZGen, Just Cobbler a disk ("cobbler /d0") with a "good" boot, the
> type:
>> ezgen /d0/os9boot
>> L pipeman
>> i vi
>> i vrn
>> i v1
>> i v2
>> L term
>> i covdg
>> <enter>
>> A new boot should be created with the vdg drivers.
>> It will not change your initial /term, to get the vdg just type:
>> "shell i=/v1&"
>> Of cource your Dir will have to be set to where your modules are and the names
> may be a little different.
>> EZGen was in the archives, pretty sure it's in the Repository
>> Bill P
>> Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3
>> https://sites.google.com/site/dabarnstudio/
>> Bill Pierce
>> ooogalapasooo at aol.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Retro Canada <retrocanada76 at gmail.com>
>> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
>> Sent: Mon, Sep 24, 2012 9:00 am
>> Subject: [Coco] rebuild NitrOS9 with superIDE
>> Hi,
>> I have a superIDE and a floppy drive (FD-500). But I don't have a
>> multipak. I want to rebuild the NitrOS-9 Boot because the cloud-9
>> stock distro comes without any support to 32 columns and the drivers
>> needed to run Sierra games and others. So far I split the process in
>> two: first using drivewire with the FD-500 plugged and second plugging
>> the sIDE.
>> I stared generating a floppy through drivewire (copying the missing
>> CLOUD9 drivers into it) and using the bootlist as follows in this
>> email I generated a 35 track floppy using the following boot track:
>> format /d0 1 '35' "NitrOS-9 Boot" r
>> merge ../MODULES/BOOTTRACK/rel_32 ../MODULES/BOOTTRACK/boot_ide
>> ../MODULES/BOOTTRACK/krn>bttemp
>> os9gen /d0 -t=bttemp<../BOOTLISTS/superdriver_ide.bl
>> And after using drivewire (with HDB-DOS translation) I can backup from
>> the generated floppy into a DSK image on PC and using SIDEWalk I can
>> copy this DSK in to the CF virtual drive 255. Then , plugging the sIDE
>> back I run LINK.BAS wich finds correctly the boot track and links the
>> disk.
>> But when booting from DOS 255, the NitrOS-9 Boot starts in 32-colunmn
>> mode but fails after reading all modules.
>> What could I be missing ? The floppy does contains an IDE boot track
>> and the modules file has the all ide support as well as the
>> .../CLOUD9/dd_ide_256mb_CFpart.dd There is only this DD module on it.
>> I managed to create a similar DW build in 32 columns (changin of
>> course to boot_dw) where I included all the ide support. So booting
>> from this drivewire distro I can use the sIDE and play all the Sierra
>> games on it but I wanto to change the installed CF boot too.
>> Am I missing something ? I use the 3.2.9 6809L2 and a 512K coco3.
>> Thanks,
>> Here comes the bootlists/superdriver_ide.bl:
>> * Kernel/System Section
>> *
>> * These modules are mandatory.
>> ../MODULES/KERNEL/krnp2
>> *../MODULES/KERNEL/krnp3_perr
>> *../MODULES/KERNEL/krnp4_regdump
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * CDF Section (HawkSoft)
>> *
>> *../MODULES/CDF/cdf.mn
>> *
>> * CDF descriptors - select as needed
>> * SCSI descriptors (IDs 0-6)
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc0.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc1.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc2.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc4.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc5.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/sc6.dd
>> * IDE descriptors (master/slave)
>> *../MODULES/CDF/ic0.dd
>> *../MODULES/CDF/ic1.dd
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * RBF Section
>> *
>> ../MODULES/RBF/rbf.mn
>> *
>> * DriveWire 3 driver
>> ../MODULES/RBF/rbdw3.dr
>> ../MODULES/RBF/dw3.sb
>> * DriveWire descriptors - select as needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddx0.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/x0.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/x1.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/x2.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/x3.dd
>> *
>> * SuperDriver Package (Cloud-9 product)
>> ../MODULES/RBF/rbsuper.dr
>> * Select Low level SCSI and/or IDE driver
>> ../MODULES/RBF/lltc3.dr
>> ../MODULES/RBF/llide.dr
>> * SuperDriver descriptors - select as needed
>> * TC^3 SCSI DD descriptor (ID 0)
>> *../MODULES/RBF/dds0_tc3.dd
>> * TC^3 SCSI descriptors (IDs 0-6)
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s0_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s1_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s2_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s3_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s4_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s5_tc3.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/s6_tc3.dd
>> * TC^3 SCSI HDB-DOS descriptor
>> ../MODULES/RBF/sh_tc3.dd
>> * IDE DD descriptor (Master)
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddi0_ide.dd
>> * IDE descriptors (master/slave)
>> *../MODULES/RBF/i0_ide.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/i1_ide.dd
>> * IDE HDB-DOS descriptor
>> ../MODULES/RBF/ih_ide.dd
>> * Cloud-9 SuperDriver descriptors - select as needed
>> * SCSI Cloud-9 descriptors
>> *.../CLOUD9/dd_scsi_127mb_hdpart.dd
>> .../CLOUD9/s0_scsi_127mb_hdpart.dd
>> * IDE Cloud-9 descriptors
>> *.../CLOUD9/dd_ide_128mb_CFpart.dd
>> .../CLOUD9/dd_ide_256mb_CFpart.dd
>> *.../CLOUD9/i0_ide_128mb_CFpart.dd
>> *.../CLOUD9/i0_ide_256mb_CFpart.dd
>> *
>> * WD1773 floppy support for Tandy and compatible disk controllers
>> ../MODULES/RBF/rb1773.dr
>> * WD1773 floppy support for Disto Super Controller II
>> *../MODULES/RBF/rb1773_scii_ff74.dr
>> *../MODULES/RBF/rb1773_scii_ff58.dr
>> * Floppy device descriptors
>> * DD - default device - choose one if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddd0_35s.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddd0_40d.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddd0_80d.dd
>> * D0 - drive 0 - choose one if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d0_35s.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/d0_40d.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d0_80d.dd
>> * D1 - drive 1 - choose one if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d1_35s.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/d1_40d.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d1_80d.dd
>> * D2 - drive 2 - choose one if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d2_35s.dd
>> ../MODULES/RBF/d2_40d.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d2_80d.dd
>> * D3 - drive 3 - choose if needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/d3_35s.dd
>> *
>> * RAMDisk driver
>> *../MODULES/RBF/rammer.dr
>> * RAMDisk descriptors - select as needed
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddr0_8k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddr0_96k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddr0_128k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/ddr0_192k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/r0_8k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/r0_96k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/r0_128k.dd
>> *../MODULES/RBF/r0_192k.dd
>> * Memory device descriptor
>> *../MODULES/RBF/md.dd
>> ***************************************
>> * SCF Section
>> *
>> ../MODULES/SCF/scf.mn
>> *
>> * CoCo 3 I/O sub-drivers
>> * Keyboard modules: choose cc3 for CoCo 3 keyboard
>> ../MODULES/SCF/vtio.dr
>> ../MODULES/SCF/keydrv_cc3.sb
>> * Sound module: CoCo 3 built-in sound generator
>> ../MODULES/SCF/snddrv_cc3.sb
>> * Joystick modules: choose joy for hi-res joystick adapter or
>> * (M)icrosoft or (L)ogitech mouse using 6551 or 6552 ACIA
>> ../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_joy.sb
>> *../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_6551M.sb
>> *../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_6552M.sb
>> *../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_6551L.sb
>> *../MODULES/SCF/joydrv_6552L.sb
>> *
>> * CoGrf/CoWin subroutine module
>> * Use CoWin with Multi-Vue; use CoGrf
>> * for basic text and graphic window support..
>> * Select only one.
>> ../MODULES/SCF/cogrf.io
>> *../MODULES/SCF/cowin.io
>> *
>> * CoVDG I/O subroutine module
>> * Select one or both
>> *../MODULES/SCF/covdg.io
>> *../MODULES/SCF/covdg_small.io
>> *
>> * Select only one term descriptor
>> ../MODULES/SCF/term_vdg.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_win40.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_win80.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_scbbt.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_sc6551.dt
>> *
>> * Select as many window descriptors as needed
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w1.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w2.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w3.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w4.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w5.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w6.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w7.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w8.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w9.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w10.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w11.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w12.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w13.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w14.dw
>> ../MODULES/SCF/w15.dw
>> *
>> * Select as many VDG window descriptors as needed
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v1.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v2.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v3.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v4.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v5.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v6.dw
>> *../MODULES/SCF/v7.dw
>> *
>> * Serial port drivers
>> * CoCo Bit-Banger terminal port
>> *../MODULES/SCF/scbbt.dr
>> *../MODULES/SCF/t1_scbbt.dd
>> * 6551 ACIA
>> *../MODULES/SCF/sc6551.dr
>> *../MODULES/SCF/t2_sc6551.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/t3_sc6551.dd
>> * Tandy Modem Pak
>> *../MODULES/SCF/modpak.dr
>> *../MODULES/SCF/m1.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/m2.dd
>> *
>> * Printer drivers
>> * ../MODULES/SCF/scbbp.dr
>> * ../MODULES/SCF/p_scbbp.dd
>> *
>> * DriveWire 3 Printer drivers
>> ../MODULES/SCF/scdwp.dr
>> ../MODULES/SCF/p_scdwp.dd
>> *
>> * DriveWire Networking
>> *../MODULES/SCF/scdwn.dr
>> *../MODULES/SCF/term_scdwn.dt
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n1_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n2_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n3_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n4_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n5_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n6_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n7_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n8_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n9_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n10_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n11_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n12_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n13_scdwn.dd
>> *../MODULES/SCF/n14_scdwn.dd
>> *
>> * VRN is a driver module used by certain games, including King's Quest III,
>> * Leisure Suit Larry and Flight Simulator II. A /nil descriptor is also
>> * supported.
>> ../MODULES/SCF/vrn.dr
>> ../MODULES/SCF/vi.dd
>> ../MODULES/SCF/ftdd.dd
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * Pipe Section
>> *
>> * Pipes are a useful but optional part of a system.
>> ../MODULES/PIPE/pipeman.mn
>> ../MODULES/PIPE/piper.dr
>> ../MODULES/PIPE/pipe.dd
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * Clock Section
>> *
>> * Select one clock module depending upon your power line frequency
>> * (60Hz = USA/Canada; 50Hz = Europe, Australia)
>> ../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock_60hz
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock_50hz
>> * Select one clock2 module that supports your real-time clock, if any.
>> * Besides support for the internal software clock, the following
>> * hardware clocks are supported: Burke & Burke, Disto 2-N-1, Disto 4-N-1,
>> * Eliminator, Harris, SmartWatch, Cloud-9 (SuperIDE), the MESS emulator, Jeff
>> * Vavasour's CoCo emulator and DriveWire
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_soft
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_bnb
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_disto2
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_disto4
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_elim
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_harris
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_smart
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_jvemu
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_messemu
>> ../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_cloud9
>> *../MODULES/CLOCKS/clock2_dw3
>> *
>> ***************************************
>> * System Kick-Start Module
>> *
>> * Choose which startup module you wish to use. (sysgo_dd is recommended
>> * for most configurations.)
>> *
>> * Alternatively, this module can reside in the root directory of the
>> * boot device, saving precious system RAM.
>> *../MODULES/SYSMODS/sysgo_dd
>> *../MODULES/SYSMODS/sysgo_h0
>> --
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