[Coco] Fake sub attempts

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz dennis-ix at maltedmedia.com
Tue Sep 4 17:30:20 EDT 2012

Hi all,

We've had an upsurge in bots (or low-paid workers somewhere) 
attempting to subscribe to this list. Four came in the past 24 hours.

Assistant admins, for now please treat ALL subs with care. I always 
check each one for a legitimate email address and full name using a 
web search. Failing either, I reject the request and ask that "a 
sentence about your CoCo interests" be sent to my CoCo admin return 
address above.

Many new members can attest that they've been screened if I can't 
find their email/name combo online, or if they fail to use a full 
name when subbing.


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