[Coco] Update announce for gsort

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Thu Oct 18 16:09:48 EDT 2012

This isn't anything earth shattering, or even of great importance, but...

There is a new GSort and GSort15.doc on my web page.  I was running the 
older version, without either cowin or covdg in my boot file, and while it 
was working there was a fleeting flicker of junk on a Term screen, and an 
error 187 shown at the end of the execution.  This didn't effect how V14 
actually works as the job was already done when it fetched any error 
detected and reported it as it exited.  So anyway we now have a v15, that 
skips that stuff if you give it a -g on the command line.  The rest of it 
is still unchanged and works as usual.  It still cleans up any garbage 
between the d7 set last character of the name, and the last 3 bytes of a 
dir entry which is the pointer to that files FD sector, and if the -c 
option is also given, the directory file will be compacted, removing any 
and all deleted entries, and rather effectively removing them from the 
clutches of Undel.

Building this however, using the assembler I was, was a cast iron bitch!

It seems this assembler, and my term screen seems to be locked up until I 
go tap the reset key & reboot, is case sensitive, but ONLY for the defs, 
and to get gsort to assemble, I had to go through it and make every 
variable defined in defs/os9defs as partially uppercased, it had to match 
how it was shown in the defsfile.  I never ever had to fight with cases in 
the defines in years past.  That, to get them all fixed, was around 20 
passes with vim to fix all those, and which should not have been required.  
Not on OS9, it famously is not case sensitive.

vim BTW, is the name currently patched into the vi-patched tsedit I use for 
an editor.  Because when the /v windows were added, the vi name somehow 
clashed so it had to be renamed again.

I still haven't figured that one out.

Cheers, Gene
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