[Coco] Tutorial on Telnet/inetd on Coco3 DW4 (is there one?)

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Thu Oct 11 17:19:31 EDT 2012

On Thursday 11 October 2012 16:56:07 Bob Devries did opine:

> Gene, here's my layout:
> My Coco3 is connected to my PC using the Drivewire cable from the Coco
> to a DB9 , which is connected to an ATEN RS-232 to USB dongle, and
> plugged into a USB port on the PC. That's the *only* connection between
> the two.
And my drivewire cable is plugged into a ser<>usb adaptor, that is plugged 
into a 7 port hub which also has a brother laser printer plugged into it & 
sitting on the top shelf of the coco's desk, the src port of that hub is 
plugged into a 15 meter boosted usb2.1 extension cable, which at one point 
was plugged into a back panel usb breakout on the motherboard here, but 
which I believe may have been destroyed by a passing EMP from nearby 
lightening, so that cable is now plugged into another 7 port hub which is 
plugged into another breakout on the motherboard.  My usb 'tree' looks like 
a weeping willow :)

dw works well except for telnet, and the printer works well even from the 
coco, as the data asm or list sends to /p is sent to a scratch file by the 
.jar file, and I have a script that watches that scratch directory for new 
files, sending then on to the printer by way of the cups version of lp -d 
BROTHEHL2140 with options, then moves that file to a save the last 25 
directory with automatic recycling so I have to look at the date to see 
which is the newest.  The coco's assembly output and listings get spit out 
at 22 ppm, so it about has to be a configuration problem.  Since I have a 
6309 in mine, I may move it from port 6809 to port 6309 just for fun, when 
it works using 6809.  Right now, a signal on port 6810 should run the proc 
command and send its output back, but that, like telnet, isn't working 

Since your IS working, can you post your /dd/sys/inetd.conf?

Thanks Bob.

Cheers, Gene
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