[Coco] A CoCo Coding Contest

Frank Swygert farna at amc-mag.com
Fri Nov 2 06:02:10 EDT 2012

I don't see a problem with a program that was started a few years before the contest that:
1 - hasn't been entered in a previous contest
2 - has been updated/revised since it's initial public release
3 - the contest rules should state that it can't be entered in an upcoming contest (sponsored by the same people as this one) unless major updates/rewriting has occurred.
4 - obviously new, original entries should be given a little more "weight" when judging. Something someone has worked on for a few months should obviously be more impressive than something one has worked on for a few YEARS... but that's subjective -- depends on the complicity of the program and will be up to the judges. This will be a major impact on previously entered and extensively updated programs, discouraging them but not disqualifying.

We have few enough CoCo programmers, why stifle entries?

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 11:43:03 -0400
From: Retro Canada<retrocanada76 at gmail.com>

I think I should be a completely new entry. No matter if you have been
programming that the last 10 years, since it's a new non-published
work it will be fine.

Otherwise we will be opening a door for the entry to compete again
every contest with few or minor updates.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Aaron Wolfe<aawolfe at gmail.com>  wrote:

> It's a good question.  I'd like to know what others who are
> considering entry think.
> My initial reaction is that the entry should be written between the
> starting and ending dates of the competition.  However, we all have
> back burner stuff that might have a little code or design work
> completed.  We also have no way to verify if someone followed the
> rule, if there was one.

Frank Swygert
Editor - American Motors Cars Magazine

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