[Coco] someone please move this to a forum.

Frank Swygert farna at amc-mag.com
Mon Mar 26 17:25:06 EDT 2012

Be nice guys! Everyone isn't an old computer salt like most of us here!! 
People just getting into computers in the last five years or so are a 
lot more familiar and comfortable with web based forums. I don't have a 
problem with them like some of you... ya'll must be "just a bit" older 
than me... more set in your ways... (that's a joke, but for the record 
I'm "only" 50...).

The poster obviously isn't real familiar with how a mail list works. I 
had that problem with the AMC-List (a mail list like this one, but about 
AMC cars). I switched the default to digest mode. Problem solved! On 
occasion I have someone e-mail me and ask how to get individual 
messages, but that's rare. So Dennis might want to consider that!

Frank Swygert
Editor - American Motors Cars Magazine

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