[Coco] Bin Format Orchestra 90 CC

Luis Fernández luis46coco at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 18 21:42:53 EDT 2012

I read my records achieved coconut directly from PC with a floppy 5 1/4, 
preferably with one of 360 kb and not 1200 KB, but I think also you can.
use the utility that was CoCoDisk v07, with the driver FdInstall. exe, but read some mistakes. 
the problem is the turns at 300 rpm and 360 that are not more modern units, or something.

You can get this unit?

these errors my utility also displays red-pink indicating the file has whole sections of (&hEB, I forget now)

CoCoDskUtilPack V 1.0.10.zip  
http://cococoding.com/cocodskutil/ Thank Aaron Wolfe
My personal blog: http://www.luis45ccs.blogspot.com

> To: coco at maltedmedia.com
> From: ooogalapasooo at aol.com
> Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 04:40:01 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Coco] Bin Format Orchestra 90 CC
> Those are not my Orch90 files. They were downloaded from one of the archives. They were originally (I think) uploaded to Compuserve. They are by many different people. I still need a stable floopy drive to be able to access al my stuff that was done in the 80's-90's. I have my coco up and running finally, using drivewire. But my 5.25" drives just refuse to read anything. I may get another soon just so I can get to my files.
> Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3 
> https://sites.google.com/site/dabarnstudio/
> Bill Pierce
> ooogalapasooo at aol.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luis Fernandez luis45ccs <luis46coco at hotmail.com>
> To: COCO <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Sent: Sat, Mar 17, 2012 8:35 am
> Subject: [Coco] Bin Format Orchestra 90 CC
> ello
> inary format files without extention created by orchestra is as follows:
> s the same COCO screen ASC, only uses the bit 7 = 128, to indicate new line and 
> ot with chr $ (13),
> his bit turns it on to start the line, therefore the chr $ (13) is located 
> efore the character that owns it,
>  imagine that this was done to save space and also to encrypt files and they 
> an not be edited with a text editor
> not sure but I think EDTASM + uses the same method, perhaps you can edit).
> ven if these files are not compatible with the Bill pierce (*. ASC)
>  imagine so.
> f this is so, place them in my utility Orchestra converter <-> ASC (multiple 
> iles)
> nd files could be obtained quickly Orchestra of the ASC Bill.
> of course with your permission) 
> s that too small drop converter, but I like to integrate all
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> aking 
> oCoDskUtilPack V 1.0.10.zip  
> ttp://cococoding.com/cocodskutil/ Thank Aaron Wolfe
> y personal blog: http://www.luis45ccs.blogspot.com
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 		 	   		  
> -
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> oco at maltedmedia.com
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