[Coco] ethernet for your coco (sort of)

Steve Bjork 6809er at srbsoftware.com
Wed Jun 6 10:58:59 EDT 2012

The Lantronix UDS10 was replaced by the UDS1100 & UDS1100-PoE.  They 
start at $120 new and work better on modern networks.

But there are cheap serial to Network solutions out there.  (Many for 
$50 or less.)


On 6/6/2012 7:33 AM, Robert Hermanek wrote:
> I don't know if everyone is familiar with these, but Lantronix has been making them forever, and so eBay is pretty full of them for cheap.  Not that this is the best listing, but it has a link to the pdf/etc...
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lantronix-UDS-10-Serial-Ethernet-Device-Server-Complete-Kits-Qty-4-/300719306492?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item46044476fc
> These little "device servers" are designed to plug onto any serial device.  The lantronix device gets an IP address and gets on your LAN.  Serial communications to your "device" can then be accessed via tcp/ip, so telnet, winsock, whatever...
> So plug your rs-232 pack into your coco, then screw one of these onto your rs-232 pak, then plug your ethernet cable into this gizmo, and hit your coco's IP address!  (After a little config I'm sure, guessing there is a web admin console built into the little lantronix thing.)
> -RobertH
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