[Coco] Disk drive question

Bill Pierce ooogalapasooo at aol.com
Wed Jan 18 00:34:44 EST 2012

Thanks Gene, I'll look it up. It'll be a hard fix with only level 1 to boot from. I should be getting the original boots from Michal soon as he had left them out by mistake when he shipined the system. At least I know it's a software thing.

Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3 
Bill Pierce
ooogalapasooo at aol.com

-----Original Message-----
From: gene heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com>
To: coco <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Tue, Jan 17, 2012 10:30 pm
Subject: Re: [Coco] Disk drive question

On Tuesday, January 17, 2012 09:57:29 PM Bruce W. Calkins did opine:
> IIRC; the 1 and 2 meg memory systems needed OS-9 patched to boot.
 Bruce W.
hat is a 1 byte patch in the init file IIRC, but I cannot quote the values 
ff the top of my head.  Read, in the Nitros9 distribution, the init.asm 
Humph, now I can't find it in my own repo.  Perhaps its been moved to krn1 
ow?  No clue, but it was in init that this byte set the number of 8k pages 
f memory the system had 20 years ago.  Sorry, thought I could pull it up 
n 30 seconds.  But apparently its been moved sometime over 15 years back.
 did find a 19 year old version where byte $11 was $1F and I believe the 
ixed version was a $3F..  Bet on it?, nope, its been too long.
> =========================
 ----- Original Message -----
 From: "Bill Pierce"
 > My drive on a Coco 3 with 2meg memory, Fd-502/J&M controller,
 > with/without multipak. 1 40trk DS, 1 80trk DS (tried switching drives
 > and jumpers). The drive will read and load an OS-9 level 1 system
 > disk but when I try (several) Os-9 level 2 boot dsks, it either
 > freezes on "OS9 Boot" or starts to boot then resets back to DECB.
 > These boots are know to be good. It also errors on sector 0000 when
 > trying to format a disk. DECB seems to format fine but I have no DECB
 > disks handy to check. OS9 "backup" does not seem to work. lists
 > several errors as it formats, backup disks will not boot afterwards.
 > I've cleaned contacts and attempted to clean heads as well as I could
 > with a q-tip. I do bot have a 2nd coco to check for a bad coco. It
 > seems to be working fine. All commands work fine from the Level 1
 > boot.
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heers, Gene
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