[Coco] [OT} Shack: was Re: Coco keyboard trouble

Michael Graham mkgraham at gmx.com
Tue Jan 17 18:01:34 EST 2012

Fry's sounds like a good store.  Too bad there aren't any near me.

On 1/17/2012 4:31 PM, John Donaldson wrote:
> Being a HAM Radio Operator, the local Radio Shack was where I went for 
> parts for projects and such.  A couple of years ago I accidentally 
> discovered the the local Fry's not only had parts but a tube tester 
> that still worked. Now if I need parts for a project, I go to Fry's 
> and buy what I need. We had a QRP 40M receiver project at my club last 
> summer. I got all the parts except for two there at Fry's.
> John Donaldson
> On 1/16/2012 7:58 PM, Steve Batson wrote:
>> Really Sad....I used to enjoy going into Radio Shack and looking 
>> around and
>> I'd occassionally go to buy parts for projects. Been along time though
>> because of their changes. I agree with your guess about their future 
>> Steve.
>> What's really sad, is many other companies have been going down the 
>> tubes
>> as well as they've taken their eyes and focus off of the products and
>> services that made them a success.
>> ----------------------------------------
>> From: "Steve Bjork"<6809er at srbsoftware.com>
>> Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 5:30 PM
>> To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts"<coco at maltedmedia.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Coco] [OT} Shack: was Re: Coco keyboard trouble
>> The Great Radio Shack you known decades ago is a shadow of a once great
>> Tandy company.
>> First of all, the Tandy Company is known as Radio Shack because they
>> sold everything else off. Any Tandy technology is mostly owned by
>> Samsung now.
>> Most of the money the Stores make is from Cell Phones.
>> The only reason they carries anything is to get you in the door so they
>> can sell you a phone.
>> I once worked for Radio Shack when they first released the TRS-80 to
>> help out a Store Manager. During the time, I got to know Tandy and how
>> it works. They knew how everything in the store work to keep people
>> coming back for more. Oh they may not make money on T.V. tubes, but
>> having them made for great custom traffic.
>> A few years back, I took another job at a Radio Shack store to help with
>> the Xmas rush. Those short weeks were an eye opener. The store was all
>> about what they can get out of the custom on that visit because they may
>> never come back. (And nothing was done to make that customer a
>> repeat-customer.) In my opinion, I can't see how they will it another
>> decade.
>> On 1/16/2012 2:37 PM, Mark McDougall wrote:
>>> On 17/01/2012 2:51 AM, Steven Hirsch wrote:
>>>> I think Radio Shack also sells them.
>>> I recently visited Radio Shack (in Honolulu) - the first time I have
>>> ever set foot in a Radio Shack in the US (that I can recall).
>>> In Australia the stores have degenerated into generic electronic goods
>>> retailers, selling computers, TVs and DVD players and phones. You'd be
>>> SOL trying to buy a resistor or 555 - but there's still a selection of
>>> (pre-packaged) cables, adapters and even a few soldering irons,
>>> meters, etc.
>>> I was shocked, however, to see the Honolulu store was almost
>>> *exclusively* mobile phones! Phones, SIM cards, batteries and the
>>> obligatory thousand different face-plates and carry cases. Barely
>>> anything that wasn't phone-related!
>>> Funny thing is, I've been jokingly describing Radio Shack as a 'mobile
>>> phone store' for years now. I didn't realise how true that was until I
>>> walked into this store. Are all the stores in the US like that? Or is
>>> Honolulu the exception rather than the rule?
>>> Regards,
>> -- 
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