[Coco] [OT} Shack: was Re: Coco keyboard trouble

Blank Bruno blank.bruno at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 11:51:32 EST 2012

On 01/17/2012 06:48 AM, Mark Ormond wrote:
> 8<---snip--->8 My local one has a decent assortment of bits and pieces, but the mall store doesn't. (They removed them to make more room for larger retail items.). When my Commodore Pet 2001-8 went out I was able to run down there and get the diodes and voltage regulators I needed to fix it that night. So most of them have gone to crap, but not all. But don't ask for help with the components, you will just get blank stares from the staff.
I was told by someone at my sort of local Shack that the ones with 
mostly cell phones/stereos and such are "corporate", while the ones with 
a good selection of things, somewhat similar to the good old days, are 
"independent franchises".  I don't know if he knew what he was talking 
about, but maybe that's a part of what the differences are.


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