[Coco] Is anyone using Dynastar yet?

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Jan 7 21:53:32 EST 2012

On Saturday, January 07, 2012 09:47:16 PM Robert Gault did opine:

> Lothan wrote:
> > -----Original Message----- From: gene heskett
> > Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 8:05 PM
> > To: coco at maltedmedia.com
> > Subject: Re: [Coco] Is anyone using Dynastar yet?
> > 
> > On Saturday, January 07, 2012 07:52:53 PM gene heskett did opine:
> >> I now have the manual that came with that copy of version 3.4 of
> >> Dynastar (all of that has now been declared Public Domain in case
> >> anyone is worried about the copyright status, see a post on the Flex
> >> User Group list) but while the two files I need to play with are
> >> discussed, its only an overview, with zero definitions of what bite
> >> does what. Since it uses the scred idea of a termset file to adapt
> >> it to the various coco/ansi/term screens, there might be something
> >> about the termset files variables in the level 2 development kit
> >> which I have, but there is a second file, also looked for in
> >> /dd/sys, called ds.init, which may have similar functions, and while
> >> I have one of those, it sure doesn't resemble the dump I located
> >> somewhere in the first 14 pages of google hits, 95% of which were
> >> for Dynastar Ski's.
> >
> ><snip>
> >
> > Is that possibly a newer version of DynaStar that uses the termset
> > file? If so, I'd love to get a copy. The only versions I can remember
> > use a gotoxy module, but my mind isn't quite what it used to be.
> > There's quite a collection on
> > http://os9usergroup.com/fufu_downloads.htm, including DynaStar 2.3
> > and what appears to be the source code on dynas23.dsk.
> Guys,
> The version of Dynastar on my system, "3.4 - Color Computer 3, Level
> Two", does not use ds.init but rather uses SYS/termset.
> I hardly ever use Dynastar but it runs fine in an 80 column window. All
> of my Coco window entries in termset use
>   $02\X\Y:$20:$1f$31::$0c:$04:$1f$30:$1f$20:$1f$21:

Which doesn't work at all well when running on a minicom screen here.  It 
seems all the control chars are getting gobbled up, or some such, so I have 
to reset the coco to get out of it.  When it reads the file, it starts out 
with that line of ----|----| that separates the text area from the command 
help at the top of the screen, then reads the file, but after the first 
line, the rest of the file is read into the last character position of the 
first line from the file.  IOW, the CR's are being ignored, and with no 
linefeeds in a coco file, it just keeps overwriting the last char of that 
screen line.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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