[Coco] HDB-DOS build fixes. Untested as of yet.
David Ladd
drencor at gamepixel.net
Sun Dec 30 11:59:57 EST 2012
Just thought I would point out that the current HDB-DOS source code is in
the Toolshed Repo.
You should be able to download the Toolshed repo and get the full source
for the HDB-DOS 1.4
So far HDBDOS 1.4 DW3 Becker CoCo3 , HDBDOS 1.4 DW3 Becker CoCo2, HDBDOS
DW3 CoCo3, and HDBDOS DW3 CoCo2 have been tested working.
I am not sure about the CoCo1 of the HDBDOS DW3 since I do not have a CoCo1
to test the current HDBDOS 1.4 code on.
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Charlie Pelosi <chazbeenhad at hotmail.com>wrote:
> Hi Juan. I downloaded and programmed an eprom of the hdbdoscc1.rom from
> the link you included
> .
> The system starts and I see HDB-DOS 1.3 DW3 COCO 1
> It still does not work though, I just get I/O error on the coco and
> UNKNOWN OPCODE on the DW4 sever (4.3.0)
> And older version of the rom 1.1D works fine, so the config is good.
> I do notice something hard to describe. When the coco 1 tries to do I/O
> through DW the screen gets these very subtle verticle lines that jump all
> over, almost like interference.....
> Charlie
> Sent from Windows Mail
> From: Juan Castro
> Sent: December 30, 2012 10:27 AM
> To: CoCo List
> Subject: [Coco] HDB-DOS build fixes. Untested as of yet.
> In the makefile that's in the hg repository, there's this command which,
> supposedly, should generate a list of equates:
> mamou -q -mr equates.asm bas.asm -sa > cb_equates.asm
> And a similar one for the ECB equates. Thing is, that command generates a
> text file that's NOT a valid ASM file with EQUs. Rather, it looks like
> this. The build, of course, fails miserably:
> Symbol table:
> $0008
> $0988
> $A000
> (...etc)
> So I did a small AWK script to create the correct EQU list from that text.
> I also added the build of a CoCo 1 ROM by defining the BAUD38400 symbol,
> which wasn't being done. That, I hope, may fix my DW woes with the CoCo 1.
> All of this is as yet untested. Will do that later today. The diff and the
> .ROM files I generated are at http://users.vialink.com.br/jcastro/hdbdos/
> Juan
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