[Coco] Cassete reading

Gustavo Ranaur Schoenaker ranaur at ranaur.net
Tue Dec 11 21:39:06 EST 2012

Hi Folks!

Anyone here have experience to ressucitate old tapes?

I have around 100 cassete tapes with CoCo programs that I would like to
Well, many programs I probably can find in the net, but there are some
programs I made by myself, or maybe I can unbury something lost long ago

What are the best programs to use? I have an Windows XP and MacOSX or
anything virtualboxed.

The "hardware" I have is an old MSX datacorder and an USB tape player

The tapes are very, very old. And maybe are damaged by the time.

Should I do some treatment with them before reading? Maybe rewind/FF a
couple of times before using them?

Any digital archeology tips?

I'll put my progress in a spreadsheet, for those who want to follow the
adventure ...


Wish me luck!

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