[Coco] Have no idea what to call it, but, it WAS New tool: WIRED

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Dec 5 14:28:00 EST 2012

On Wednesday 05 December 2012 13:23:07 Luis Antoniosi did opine:

> > If it can't, it is miss-configured.
> No it's not misconfiguration. I had to recompile NitrOS to figure out
> what was missing. The $HDBDOS variable in empty. Just check the
> current mercurial repo. I'm not using lwtools (i don't even knwo to to
> config it). There is no /IH, it's is /I0 instead. If you check the
> boot you will see two I0.
> So all rbsuper are being compiled without hdbdos support. It had to
> manually change the makefile and include the parameters by hand. Now
> it works for me. I can read/write on /IH and the STP param works fine
> now.

Pretty much what I committed to the hg 'tip' repo last night, or you can 
get from my pull of it at the nitros9 link on my web page in the sig below.
There is a branch that uses lwtools, but I've not pulled that branch, what 
I have still uses mamou to build it all.

> Now I can os9gen directly on /IH to change the OS9Boot no need for DW
> anymore.

So can I, but paranoia makes me make a boot floppy which I then can install 
either with a 'dd' I wrote in basic09, or the HDB-DOS backup0to128 command.  
That way I have a floppy copy I can re-install if things go south.
The hg push I made last night should have fixed that.  There should now be 
an /i0_ide.dd and an /i1_ide.dd, and an /ih_ide.dd.  They are built in my 
copy of the repo.  Or you can get the fixed .dsk's from my web page.  They 
should contain an i0_ide.dd, an i1_ide.dd and an ih_ide.dd.
They will not be configured for use however because we have no knowledge of 
the size of hard drive you may be using.

Here, i have a pair of old seagate hawk scsi-ii drives, 1 Gb each.  My 
system is setup for about 498 megs for os9 use, at a cluster size of 4 on 
the first drive.

So a look at my /dd@ drive with ded shows the DD.TOT (first 3 bytes) as 
0x1DBB90.  That 1DBB90 is the first thing to write down, because if your 
HDB-DOS drives are located beyond this DD.TOT, then you would first use 
dmode -ih_ide.dd to set that descriptors wpc=1D ofs=BB90, substituting your 
values for mine of course.  At that point, you _should_ be able to set that 
descriptors 'stp' to any of the HDB-DOS drives by translating the HDB-DOS 
drive number to a hexadecimal value and writing it into that descriptors 
stp variable.  Drive128 becomes 0x80 IOW.

I'm scsi rather than ide, and setup so my default nitros9 boot drive is 
HDB-DOS drive128.  Which is accessed from a nitros9 boot by doing a dmode  
/sh stp=80.  Then:
{t2|09}/X0/NITROS9/6309L2/MODULES/RBF:dir -e /sh      

 Directory of /sh  2012/12/05 13:55 

Owner  Last modified   Attributes Sector Bytecount Name
----- ---------------- ---------- ------ --------- ----
   0  2012/11/29 19:53  ------wr       A      76F5 OS9Boot
   0  2012/11/29 19:52  ----r-wr      82      1200 bttemp
   0  2012/10/29 12:56  ----r-wr      95       6FE mb.dw3fd
   0  2012/10/31 16:19  ----r-wr      9D       6FE mb.dw3hd
   0  2012/10/30 00:41  ----r-wr      A5      215B dw3hd.bl
   0  2012/11/22 03:10  --e-rewr      C8       200 sysgo
   0  2012/11/29 19:54  d-ewrewr      CB        80 CMDS
   0  2012/11/05 07:14  ----r-wr     114       2D8 ChangeLog

My mb scripts are entirely my own composition, which accounts for the extra 
files, the 3rd thru 5th are the files that actually built that disk.  
Everything but that OS9Boot is superfluous as the default init module in 
that boot switches to /dd to run sysgo, which sets up /dd and /dd/cmds and 
runs startup.  Both mb. scripts are, except for the boot module written in 
the boottrack(34) is boot_1773 in the *fd version, and boot_tc3 in the *hd 
version.  That file bttemp is a copy of track 34 in case I need to look at 
it without running KERNEL_2_DIR on it first to make track 34 actually have 
a directory entry.

Cheers, Gene
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