[Coco] WIRED with Drivewire & Drivepak

Luis Antoniosi retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 09:34:09 EST 2012

Ok, let's forget it then.


On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Robert Gault <robert.gault at att.net> wrote:
> Robert Gault wrote:
>> Luis Antoniosi wrote:
>>> Robert,
>>> If you could, make a little test on drivepak (you need to copy the
>>> file below to it):
>>> CLEAR 1000
>>> DSKI$ 0,0,1,A$,B$ (to check if DW is working, check DW activity)
>>> DSKI$ 0,0,1,A$,B$ (check drivepak activity)
>>> Don't try a DIR or any other file access. Maybe you need to attach a
>>> partition do drivepak first. dunno if is going to work.
>>> Thxs
> There is one more problem with trying to make Drivewire HDBDOS work with
> Coconet Drivepak on a Coco3. HDBDOS is an 8K ROM while Coconet is a 16K ROM.
> Coconet flips back and forth from all RAM to all ROM to read the top 8K on a
> Coco3. That means you can't have HDBDOS in RAM, Coconet in ROM, and
> alternate between the two.
> Coconet tests the RAM/ROM state and changes it based on the Coco in use. A
> Coco3 will return to RAM mode and crash if HDBDOS is there.
> --
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