[Coco] Assistance please

Tom Seagrove tjseagrove at writeme.com
Sat Aug 25 12:52:01 EDT 2012

Is the fan working on the CPU heat sink?  Other fans working?

On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:42 PM, "Bill" <cwgordon at carolina.rr.com> wrote:

> Well, my $20 HZP Pavilion 6540C is worth exactly $0.20. I've replaced the
> memory took an air hose and blown all the dust out, cleaned the fan and put
> more thermal grease in place, and it still won't crank when it gets hot. Now
> I think I need a power supply. I might even end up not being able to
> communicate at all with this list.
> Oh, well, the auction continues, with more goodies.
> --
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