[Coco] [Color Computer] VCC Emulator - Switching WorkingDirectories

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Sun Sep 4 08:21:21 EDT 2011

Stephen H. Fischer wrote:
> My possible test cases I have also reduced because of my uncertainty that R63
> (6309 Version of RMA) may not be in use by anyone in "C". I thought of too many
> reasons why not to plan any testing. Please tell me if I am wrong.

That would only matter if 6309 code was used. If not, the resulting code would 
run on either 6309 or 6809 systems.
If you meant for users to assemble your source code and it contains 6309 calls 
or other non-standard commands, then the assembler is important. The Asm 
supplied in NitrOS-9 will handle 6309 code. I don't think NitrOS-9 contains any 
version of RMA but the disks are included at
in the "Downunder" zip file. There is an RMA to 6309 patch on RTSI.

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