[Coco] Shhh

paulh96636 at aol.com paulh96636 at aol.com
Sat Nov 12 23:44:22 EST 2011




-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Ewy <jcewy at swbell.net>
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Sat, Nov 12, 2011 9:12 pm
Subject: Re: [Coco] Shhh

On 11/12/2011 07:28 PM, gene heskett wrote:
> On Saturday, November 12, 2011 08:24:39 PM Richard E. Crislip did opine:
>> On Saturday, November 12, 2011 05:56:23 PM gene heskett wrote:
>>> On Saturday, November 12, 2011 05:55:34 PM Richard E. Crislip did
> opine:
>>>> Sure is quite here, or did I get dropped from the list?
>>> Don't know Richard, I got your msg just fine.  Not much going on today
>>> though.
>>> Cheers, Gene
>>   HI Gene,
>> I was wondering for a while.
>> In addition to my mail history loss, I became unable to send e-mail too.
>> SO I dumped Unbuntu 11.10 and reverted to kubuntu 11.4. Everything
>> works again. Annddd I actually wised up and preserved what little
>> history I had left on a backup disk. It coped over just fine. I do have
>> more history on another computer I intend to copy over tonight.
>> Jerks me off that I am constantly having to put these kind of fires out
>> here and and the school so that I have no time or inclination (for that
>> matter) to work with my poor CoCo much less your ole Amiga set next to
>> it<sigh>.
>> Cheers
> I hear that Richard.  It seems that the more retired I get, the busier I
> am.  Of course now I pay even less attention to a clock.
> FWIW, the *buntu lists are full of folks who can't make email work till the
> install thunderbird.  Here, I'm a kmail fan, but the old, pre-4.7 version.
> Cheers, Gene
I try to stick mostly to LTS releases myself.  Not sure they're any 
better tested, but I don't feel like upgrading every six months.


I've always used AOL email and have had few complaints other than at times a 
bit slow, perhaps because I have dsl (except with big downloads when I go to
McD's free wifi which is at least 4X faster usually).  AOL works for me with
Mac OSX, Windows XP,Vista,W7, & CE for PPC; and here using Ubuntu 11.10.

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