[Coco] MAKE_TK.lzh has a bad case of Y2K.

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Mon May 30 16:16:48 EDT 2011


Gene, there are two copies of Sled on RTSI!

They both started from the same user group disk source.

I spent my time insuring that the file being edited would not be lost, it 
took a long time to find the final bug in the original source.

The other author added help files, pop up windows and other stuff.

The last time I tried the other sled it took me one minute to prove that 
several bugs were never addressed! Mainly crashes.

Mine is called "ColorfulSLED ED6" and is here on RTSI"


The commands for the two Sleds are quite different and I stayed away from 
the other so that I would not learn it's commands.

I needed to find the SLED card doc page to find out how to exit SLED after 
twenty years.

Next post will say that the LII.Dev.Pak "Make" STILL WORKS just fine.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "gene heskett" <gheskett at wdtv.com>
To: <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Coco] MAKE_TK.lzh has a bad case of Y2K.

>> It is funny that of the programs that I am using the most only shellplus
>> was not written by myself. (Colorful SLED, Archive and Vdir).
> I have never been able to make the copy of sled that I have, do very much
> but crash the whole  coco3, I think because it blows the stack away at the
> drop of a Ken & Barbie sized hat.  No idea if my copy matches yours 
> though,
> so lemme fire up minicom & go sic vfy after it to get the size, ed & crc.
> Humm, and it is not in /dd/cmds, nor in /dd/maxtor/cmds, so 'find sled 
> /dd'
> is looking for it.  That will take a while on a 1Gb drive, so I'll come
> back later.
> I think one does tend to use his own stuff more than OP, a confidence 
> thing
> maybe.
>> I am going to try the dev pack kit's make as I currently have it
>> installed. If it fails also then no "Make" will make.
>> SHF

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