[Coco] Will this build-your-own s-video board work for CoCo 3?

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Mar 8 22:49:15 EST 2011

On Tuesday, March 08, 2011 10:27:47 PM Blake Patterson did opine:

> I recently acquired a CoCo 3 and want s-video (or component) output.
You have component, on that 10 pin header on the bottom.  At NTSC category 
speeds, and all the s-video I have seen has all been NTSC but without the 
encoder combining of the color with the luminance.  Unforch, the rca jack 
is encoded/combined & because its not exactly NTSC interlaced, it will 
drive a comb filter equipt monitor quite a ways toward the insane facility.
> I saw this a while ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDP8cvIXtFY
> Will the mentioned Neobitz board work if I wire the Coco 3 to it?
> http://neobitz.com/Pages/Mods/SystemMods.aspx
> Thanks.
> bp

Cheers, Gene
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<Sanaya> you guys are all sick!  sick sick sick I tell ya ;)

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