[Coco] Remembering the Deluxe Color Computer....

mike delyea mdelyea at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 18:10:08 EDT 2011

Sorry if I am incorrect on this, but the coco2 COULD do 40 column text on a
graphic screen (pmode4 I think).  Didn't Telewriter and some other software
(screenmaster or something) do this?  I've been following the Deluxe coco
thread with some interest.  I'm surprised the Deluxe coco had a serial port
but this mod never made it to the coco3.

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Nick Marentes <nickma at optusnet.com.au>wrote:

> Here is part of an interview I did with Mark Seigel, project manager for
> the Color Computer at Radio Shack back in the day:
> MARK> My biggest disappointment was the Deluxe Color Computer not coming to
> market. It was a pretty cool next generation Color Computer 2 but Motorola
> ran short of video/memory controllers and Tandy had a choice of where to put
> them and they chose the cheaper Color Computer 2.
> It had a GI sound chip, a real UART, 64K of memory (in Disk Basic, 32k was
> used as a RAM drive). It had a 40 column display with a 320x200 mono
> graphics mode, the Color Computer 3 keyboard and some cool new Disk Basic
> commands.
> NICK> How was the 40 column display and 320x200 mode generated? The
> Motorola 6847 video chip used in the Color Computer couldn't produce this.
> MARK> My recollection is fuzzy on this but I think we added an additional
> video controller to the unit. But since it had to go out the RF it was
> restricted to 40 columns.
> MARK> Was it to have a restyled case?
> It was a Color Computer 1 case with some work on the back and it was
> painted black.
> --
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