[Coco] Drive Paks are coming

Ron Bihler rbihler at msn.com
Thu Jun 16 19:07:24 EDT 2011

50 cases are available now and more in the future.


On 6/16/2011 9:42 AM, operator at coco3.com wrote:
>>    >  What I plan to do is stop producing hardware items and go back to
>> software
>>    >  only in the future once these orders are wrapped up.  I have plans to
>>    >  produce a lot of stuff designed to run from the Drive Pak and SuperIDE
>> pak
>>    >  which means up to 2GB apps/games for the DP, so hang in there... the
>> wait
>>    >  will be worth it!
>>    Hi there,
>>    Am I reading this correctly, that after you ship the already placed
>> orders
>>    there will be no more Drive Paks made?  I was hoping to get one...
>>    ~brian
>>    =============================
>>    Same here, I was just waiting to get over my own rough times.
>>    If I need to reprioritize, let me know.  I have not had time or space to
>> set up a hardware CoCo in years and don't see it in the near future, but
>> if now is the last time to collect the goodies, where do I get all over
>> it.
>>    Bruce W.
> I will resume Drive Pak production around Feb 2012 if I can get some cases
> machined, or else the board will have to be reduced a little in size (just
> a tad) to fit old game pak cases which I have avoided.
> --
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