[Coco] Boring Again!

Steve Bjork 6809er at srbsoftware.com
Fri Jun 10 06:57:49 EDT 2011

While I did not grow-up in Silicon Valley, I still lived in California.  
I will drive up there to attend the Home-brew and later the first few 
West Coast Computer Fairs.  (I think the second fair was down near me in 

Anyway, I would see the Woz in the back of the room (near one the few 
power outlets) with some gadget like his T.V. killer or joke of the day 
answering machine.  But one day, he had a circuit board mounted on a bit 
of unassuming scrap wood.  It was hooked up to a small 5" or so monitor 
and a keyboard.  It was neat to see Steve power up the device and able 
to type in commands without loading paper tape first.

This little computer that Steve Wozniak made in this spare time while 
working at HP would go on to start a computer empire with the help of 
another Steve.

If I only taken a picture of it.  But the first time I tried to a 
picture I was almost booted out of the meeting.  No one want to have on 
record that they were there or what they were up to in fear of their 
bosses finding out.  But isn't that how all revolutions start out?

I stop doing the drive up to the Home-brew by 1979 when busy running 
Computer Light and Sound, my first computer company.  I'm not sure if my 
visits over lap yours.  When did you start attending?


On 6/9/2011 9:42 PM, Stephen H. Fischer wrote:
> Hi,
> OK, I forgot about the other Steve and my knowledge about early Apple 
> was flawed.
> It is possible that I was in the same room with one of them, but by 
> the time I attended the Home-brew Computer meetings at SLAC (Stanford 
> Linear Accelerator) my friend said that the presentations by people 
> actually working on designing products had stopped. Still, seeing the 
> invoice on the wall with Jobs name was exciting.

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