[Coco] Toolshed help

Willard Goosey goosey at virgo.sdc.org
Tue Jun 7 22:44:02 EDT 2011

On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 09:21:41PM -0400, Mike Rowen wrote:
> I want to copy /d0 to /x1 via drivewire 3. However, I can't seem to create a
> /x1 image with the same format as /d0.

What format is your /d0?  
> os9 format -4 -t40 mydisk.dsk

For me that make a single-sided 40 track image, 184320 bytes.  

> However this appears to be larger than a normal floppy. What am I missing
> here?

Heh, define "normal". :-)  On a more serious note, do you mean a 35
track single-sided floppy?  That would be os9 format -t35...

"os9 format" should list format's options.  The version I have says:

brawl:~/drivewire$ os9 format
Syntax: format {[<opts>]} <disk> {[<...>]} {[<opts>]}
Usage:  Create a disk image of a given size.
     -bsX = bytes per sector (default = 256)
     -cX  = cluster size
     -e   = format entire disk (make full sized image)
     -k   = make OS-9/68K LSN0
     -nX  = disk name
     -q   = quiet; do not report format summary
 Floppy Options:
     -4   = 48 tpi (default)
     -9   = 96 tpi
     -sa  = sector allocation size (SAS)
     -sd  = single density
     -dd  = double density (default)
     -ss  = single sided (default)
     -ds  = double sided
     -tX  = tracks (default = 35)
     -stX = sectors per track (default = 18)
     -dr  = format a Dragon disk
 Hard Drive Options:
     -lX  = number of logical sectors

If yours has the same defaults (I'm using a pretty old version and
things may have changed) "os9 format foo.dsk" should make a ss 35-track

Willard Goosey  goosey at sdc.org
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
I search my heart and find Cimmeria, land of Darkness and the Night.
  -- R.E. Howard

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