[Coco] Nitros-9 3.2.8 hdd image loaded with games

Roger Taylor taylor at newfoal.com
Wed Jul 20 19:55:35 EDT 2011

At 04:06 PM 7/20/2011, you wrote:
>Me too, as it seems like a perfect match!

If you do, make a new 256-disk partition and load that one up instead 
of replacing the first 256-disk partition that comes on the pak 
card.  This way, I can get a copy of the new card image and start using it.  :)

However, remember that my OS-9 disks on the card use the Drive Pak 
drivers so they can boot from the pak.  All of the Sierra games and 
other OS-9 game/app disks were rebuilt by Robert Gault using my 
drivers, and any other type of OS-9 floppy disk image won't BOOT from 
the pak for obvious reasons (because the pak is the native drive).

Also... a partition on the Drive Pak can be as small as 1 floppy disk 
in size if you like, and if so, you could call it a Named Disk, 
mountable just like an OS-9 drive, or multi disk DOS partition.

DOS#"NAME" would boot an OS-9 disk/partition/drive.
DRIVE#"NAME" would mount a partition for use with DOS and you can use 
DRIVE 0,#n to specify a "floppy" inside the partition, otherwise #0 is assumed.

~ Roger Taylor

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