[Coco] Perhaps a silly newbie question

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Jul 2 15:50:11 EDT 2011

On Saturday, July 02, 2011 03:42:12 PM Bruce W. Calkins did opine:

> > No, its an rf output, designed to be fed to a std ntsc tv, and I
> > believe selectable to be on either channel 3 or channel 4.  I've
> > found the cheap 9"
> > B&W tvs of 15 years ago to be quite usable.  Colors tv's too, but my
> > main interest was programming so text was important & the colors
> > detract from that.
> I have a little 5" B&W TV with composite inputs.  I plugged in my CoCo 3
> to those and opened the TV up and tweaked some pots and got crisp 80
> column text.  Although such fine print was an exercise for young eyes.
Precisely why I used an 8" B&W monitor for the operating screen on my 
EDISK, the next size down readily salvageable from the scrap shelves was an 
old 5" camera viewfinder monitor & while sharp enough, it wasn't big enough 
to read easily when rack mounted so as to have a convenient standing height 
for the coco2's keyboard at about hanging fingertips height.  It also would 
have needed a custom power supply whereas the 8" had a line cord.

So call me lazy, it worked for well over a decade, getting several 
capacitor renewals and one fresh crt when I found a sale on them and 
ordered a 10 pack since I had a boatload of that monitor in the system back 

Cheers, gene
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