[Coco] Coco compatible monitors...
Michael Graham
mkgraham at gmx.com
Fri Jul 1 13:44:55 EDT 2011
I'm actually using an IBM PCjr monitor for my CoCo3. I just installed a
switch that allows me to bypass the internal digital color generation
circuitry, and I wired in a ribbon cable with the proper plug to the
analog side of the circuitry. It worked without modifying the signals,
for me, but I had to mess with the saturation level adjustment on the
monitor a bit (which, surprisingly, did not seem to affect the PCjr
video signal at all).
I got the idea from this guide here:
Only difference with the PCjr monitor was that the colors were assigned
to different pins on the 74ls38. And I didn't need the inverter chip or
sync splitter since the CoCo3 already outputs the proper signals there.
And, of course, I had to figure out where to input the sync signals
myself, since the PCjr monitor used different connectors internally. Oh,
and lastly, the PCjr monitor has a built-in speaker, so I was able to
hook up the CoCo3's audio output to that.
I figure there are probably a lot of CGA or EGA monitors that use the
same kind of circuitry as these monitors, and could probably be bypassed
for an analog signal in the same way.
On Fri, 2011-07-01 at 12:07 -0400, Robert Gault wrote:
> Mark Ormond wrote:
> > I've got some NEC Accusync LCD 71Vs in my shop. And playing with groovymame I found that they will sync to 15 and 24k signals,so I hooked one up to my Amigas, but they only display NTSC correctly, pal screens get cut off (I think the monitor only does 240 lines @ 15k). Do you think these will work with the Coco3 with a cable adapter?
> > .7v p2p on the input voltages, what does the 3 output?
> >
> > Just a thought.
> >
> > (As a note, the tech specs on this monitor say Synchronization Range - Vertical 56 - 75 kHz ,Horizontal 31.5 - 81.1 kHz, but this isn't correct.)
> >
> > Later,
> > dabone
> >
> >
> The Coco3 service manual lists 0.8-2.0v +-0.2 at 75ohm NTSC
> 0.6-1.8v +-0.2 at 75ohm PAL
> For my monitor, I found the signal too hot (required 0.3-1.0v at 75ohm) so I
> placed resistors in series with the RGB output (about 1ohm each line I think) to
> reduce the signal. Checked with a scope.
> --
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