[Coco] New to the world of COCO

Bruce W. Calkins brucewcalkins at charter.net
Fri Jul 1 05:15:19 EDT 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
> Hello everyone.   I still make my converter. I am on a  temporary
> halt to production but will soon be back in my workshop,
> I was the primary care giver for my father who had lung cancer but he
> passed a couple of weeks ago.
> You all would have liked my father.   He was a coal miner  with
> a 9th grade education.   He put me through college and  could
> hold up his end of a conversation on the physics of the
> universe when it was the size of a marble.
> He was my father and I shall miss him.
> Roy



You have my condolances.
Be thankful for and treasure the good memories.

Bruce W.

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