[Coco] coco web server rides again

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Jan 12 00:15:17 EST 2011

On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:45:51 pm Aaron Wolfe did opine:

> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 11:16 PM, gene heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:
> > On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:15:03 pm Willard Goosey did opine:
> >> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 09:08:31PM -0500, Aaron Wolfe wrote:
> >> > to browse my coco via the web: �http://coco.aaronwolfe.com/dd
> >> 
> >> Awesome!
> >> 
> >> Willard
> > 
> > I'll second that, and much faster than I had presumed it would be.
> > �Sweet even.
> Well.. before you are too impressed.. the speed you're seeing now is
> due to a switch in hardware... All the requests coming in were
> overloading my "real" coco so it's running on FPGA now.  Same code,
> but 25Mhz and 460kbps pipe.
Aha!  and it will be hard to put that cat back in the bag I'll bet.

> The new multiprocess web server is nice for personal use, but it falls
> apart when several people are accessing it at the same time.  Doesn't
> lock up, but does fail to process most of the requests after a certain
> point.   The old server handled one request at a time and let the dw
> server queue them up, so it basically didn't care how many people were
> waiting.

Maybe some sort of a queue arrangement?  But I wouldn't have a clue how to 
go about writing that.

There was one good thing about my digging about in the basement looking for 
Petes Basic09 book though.

I stumbled over and laid out to test, a seagate drive that was in my amiga 
at one point, an st51080N, 1 Gb scsi-II drive.  So I went back down & set 
the address at 1, disabled the terms, plugged in a power pigtail and then 
the data cable.  Sensing the power on the cable, it spun right up, and 
format is verifying it right now.  Bottom line is I now have a backup 
medium thats big enough if the verify doesn't muck up too many bits in the 
fat.  It was in good shape when it got displaced by an ide drive of 30Gb 
way back when, better than a decade ago now.

Whats not to like about a coco3 with 2 megs, a 63c09, and 2, count 'em, two 
1Gb scsi drives on it?  VBWG. I let format do it all, so the cluster size 
as determined by format is 16.  The verify will take a few hours though.

I can recall formatting the first hard drive I ever had, a 30 megabyte rll 
drive, an st238r, the verify took about 18 hours for that 30 megs. That was 
on a coco2 in 1986! And it had 7 bad sectors from the gitgo that eventually 
grew to about 30, all of which were allocated to a DontDeleteMe file just 
to keep dcheck sane.  But that 30 meg drive & controller had way more 
senior moments a week than I've had in the last decade, a pure POS, so the 
sc-ii/4n1 was eventually squeezed out of the budget, along with a maxtor 
7120s drive, and that was bulletproof.

;-) ;-) ;-)

Cheers, Gene
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