[Coco] OS-9 device descriptor list

Willard Goosey goosey at virgo.sdc.org
Sat Jan 8 00:49:44 EST 2011

I've been compiling this list for a few days...  It's all the device
descriptors I've ever heard of under OS-9/6X09.

/Dx    disk drive ccdisk
/DD    default disk
/Fx    WDDISK floppy
/FTDD  Flight simII virq/memory allocation device
/Hx    hard disk
/Hxx   WDDISK partitioned hard drive(?)
/Ix    Superdriver IDE device
/IH    Superdriver IDE HDB-DOS device
/LDx   WDdisk floppy(?)
/Mx    modem pak modpak
/MD    memory disk
/MIDI  midi port
/NL    null device
/Nx    drivewire network terminal 
/NIL   null device
/P     bitbanger printer
/P     eliminator parallel printer port ppia
/P     drivewire printer
/Px    printer
/PIA0  parallel printer port piapak
/PIPE  pipe device
/Rx    ram disk
/Sx    SuperDriver SCSI device
/SH    SuperDriver SCSI HDB-DOS device
/SSP   speech-sound pak
/Tx    serial port (terminal)
/Tx    Glenside IDE Test device
/TERM  console
/Vx    VDG screen
/VI    KQ3 virtual interrupt device
/Wx    windint window
/WECHO /term that echos to /wp
/WP    wordpak
/Xx    drivewire disk

Anybody know of any others?

Willard Goosey  goosey at sdc.org
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
I search my heart and find Cimmeria, land of Darkness and the Night.
  -- R.E. Howard

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