[Coco] CVS & NitrOS-9

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Feb 1 22:59:14 EST 2011

On Tuesday, February 01, 2011 10:53:55 pm Ed Orbea did opine:

> I have been trying to update my local copy of the NitrOS-9 source code
> from sourceforge. My update is one-way (from the server to me, never
> the other way).
> I have been successfully using Cygwin to do this fopr almost a year.
> The command string I have been using is: "cvs -z3
> -d:pserver:anonymous at nitros9.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nitros9 co -P
> nitros9"
> Since the weekend, when I try to update my files, I get the response:
> "cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to
> nitros9.cvs.sourceforge.net( failed: Connection
> refused"
> Does anybody have info as to what has changed at Sourceforge?
> Ed Orbea
All passwds have been reset due to a security breach that they don't think 
leaked a thing but this precautionary because the attacker used a good 
passwd to get it, but never got root.  If you are not a member of the 
group, I suspect you will need to go back to the original login syntax so 
that your credentials are refreshed.  Or maybe even do a passwd update. I 
had to do mine a couple of days ago after they sent me an email.

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Cheers, Gene
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