[Coco] Glenside's new website was:Good News

Frank Pittel fwp at deepthought.com
Fri Dec 30 15:56:07 EST 2011

Although I'm responding to Aaron's email this is directed to the entire list
not just Aaron. I've also written, rewritten, deleted and started over again for
the last couple of hours but I'm sure I'm going to ruffle feathers and get into trouble
anyhow. :-) Like Aaron I am a member of Glenside and this mailing list I also am a member
of the coco facebook group and may still have an account on coco3.com. Unlike Aaron and most
here I live reasonably local to the core group and there fore am able to attend the monthly meetings
in person.

For what it's worth our meetings are open to the public and we do what we're able
to make it possible for those that can't join us in person join via skype. Our resources in that
avenue is limited however. We meet at a public library and although wifi is available the bandwidth
is limited. If anyone reading this knows how to make our meeting more available via skype we're all

I have to be careful in what I'm going to write here because although I'm a "local member" I'm not
an officer of the club and in no way speak for it. Please everyone take what I'm writing here in that
vein. I agree that we have a problem with communication to members outside of our "core" group of about
8 members. I have to admit I don't see a lot of traffic on the coco group on facebook but have posted a
short reminder of the fest there. I hope it generates some interest and traffic. I don't know how to
access the coco IRC group so I can't mention the fest there. One very easy way for people interested in
helping get the word out about the fest is to help get the word about the fest out. :-) If you're
involved in a coco IRC mention the fest there. I spent time on the old coco3 forum/group/whatever it
was called talking up the fest in recent years but although people were interest in seeing a video feed
of the fest there wasn't much interest from the people there in attending. I understand that for the
people there going to the fest means a lot of time and money spent traveling. In the end I stopped do
to the perceived lack of interest.

If anyone knows of an avenue to help promote the fest feel free to mention the fest.

The Other Frank

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 01:33:26PM -0500, Aaron Wolfe wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Richard E. Crislip
> <rcrislip at neo.rr.com> wrote:
> (snip)
> >
> > Ahhhem... The announcement is on the Web site. That's what prompted me to make
> > the hotel reservation last night. So I am at a loss of what  is being
> > discussed here other than the proposed update to the site home page.
> >
> Please don't take this the wrong way, but the group of people who
> would potentially attend the CoCoFest and the group of people who
> check the Glenside page of their own accord (or are even aware that
> the page exists) are not by any means equal.
> There has been a resurgence of interest in the CoCo and "retro
> computing" in general in the last couple years.  There is an active
> and growing facebook group, we get new people popping into the
> coco_chat channel on IRC regularly, and we've had several new folks
> join us on this list recently too.
> It would be a real shame if these folks don't even know that our
> community has a great annual event.  Posting an announcement on an
> obscure website simply isn't serving the community well.  Limiting
> notification to people who already know the event exists (and think to
> check on their own for details) is a good way to ensure the event will
> not gain new attendees and will probably lose past attendees who would
> have come but simply forgot or didn't hear about it until too late.
> I am not one to complain without offering to help solve an issue.  Is
> there some mechanism for volunteering to help?  Any official stance on
> how or where the event can/should be publicized?  Some transparency in
> the event planning would certainly be nice.. I realize it's a
> "Glenside thing" but it's so important to the community that maybe
> some sharing of information and responsibility would be appropriate.
> --
> Coco mailing list
> Coco at maltedmedia.com
> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco

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