[Coco] file manager

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Sat Dec 10 13:09:50 EST 2011

On 12/10/2011 07:50 AM, Brett Gordon wrote:
> My CocoBoot core system is more or less stable.  I don't plan on
> making any huge changes to the system, unless new hardware warrants.
> It's time for me to start writing some applications for the system.
> I figure the most handy utility would be a multi-device file manager
> for RSDOS filesystem, as suggested by Nick Marentes.  I'm looking for
> the communities thoughts and ideas for what it would like to see in a
> file manager, or feedback if this kind of app is even needed.
Also, it would be very nice to have some simple mechanism for selecting 
multiple files to copy, move, delete, whether with some kind of pattern 
matching, or by clicking on file names with a mouse, joystick, or arrow 


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