[Coco] Coco Music

Bill Pierce ooogalapasooo at aol.com
Thu Dec 8 09:21:56 EST 2011

Hi Allen, I may just do something like that soon. If you check the site, you'll see I've included a place for Musica as well as Bells & Whistles II. I too was blown away by BW2. Building unique waveforms was a blast. I disassembled his code and eventually made a sound recorder/editor that allowed you to assign volume envelopes to your own samples. It had 4 sound banks and a visual scope (Bill Barden's code I think) to view the waveform. I used it to load samples into my Casio SK-1 to play samples onstage when my band played Pink Floyd songs. Two I remember in particular were "Comfotably Numb" and "Welcome To The Machine". I was going to submit it to Rainbow, but about that time, the Coco3 was released and I bought a disk drive. I was using the upper ram above Basic as my sound buffer and DECB took that over. I still have the code and have been thinking of modifying it to work with OS9. I could use a hidden Hi-res screen as a buffer and us get/put to store/retrieve the data.
I would love to post some of those BW2 and Musica files you composed and I'll see if I can come up with some good ideas on a unique video for youtube. I have a Coco 3 coming to me in a couple of weeks so I'll have the real thing to play with once again. That will definately inspire me to pull out all the old music stuff I was working on. The emulators are nice but there are some limits on what they can do with sound.
I'm also thinking of doing a video of kind of a time-line thing on Coco music, from Orchestra 90 to UltiMusE3. :-)

Bill Pierce
ooogalapasooo at aol.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Allen Huffman <alsplace at pobox.com>
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Thu, Dec 8, 2011 8:47 am
Subject: Re: [Coco] Coco Music

On Dec 8, 2011, at 7:37 AM, Bill Pierce wrote:
 Speaking of the MIDI and sound stuff... I have started a website dedicated to 
olor Computer music. Why? I don't know...
In my CoCo 1 days, entering sheet music in Musica 2 was probably the thing I 
pent the most time on. I was absolutely fascinated with computer music ever 
ince I became aware of synthesizers and such growing up as a child of the 70s.
"One of these days" I would certainly like to dig out all of my old RS-DOS Music 
iscs and post the files.
I recall being blown away by Bells & Whistles 2 from Rainbow, with its much more 
apable sound engine, but the interface was primitive. I had always hoped that 
his sound engine would be put in to something like Musica...
With the videos that get posted from time to time of old hardware being used to 
ake music, I keep thinking videos of CoCo stuff like that would be something 
hat could possibly make the rounds as well. It would be great to time something 
ike that -- a retro computing viral video -- leading up to a CoCoFEST!
>From Iowa, where we are knee-deep in politicians,
		-- Allen
llen Huffman • PO Box 22031 • Clive IA 50325 * 515-999-0227
ent from my MacBook.

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