[Coco] Anyone else collect other old computers/game consoles beside the Coco?

Richard E. Crisilip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Sat Aug 27 16:24:03 EDT 2011

Hi Aaron,

This thread really strikes a chord with me. I used to love to emulate a MAC on 
my Amiga so that I could listen to Brian Coolege on CNet Radio. Had to do it 
that way because there was no Real Audio distro for the native Amiga. I could 
also emulate (Jeff Vavasur's emulator) the CoCo on my 8mb 75hz 486 Bridgeborad 
on that Amiga. I even got the CoCo emulator to print. I miss those days.

On Friday, August 26, 2011 12:13:45 PM Aaron Wolfe wrote:
> Again sort of on topic... There was a time when I had an Amiga 2000,
> with PC bridgeboard (386 I believe) and a rom adapter that could
> simultaneously run Amiga, DOS/Windows (old version, maybe 3.0), and
> Macintosh programs.  It could read and write to all 3 formats IIRC.
> There was a limited amount of data exchange between the 3 systems, but
> you could switch between them easily and they all ran concurrently.
> It was the "ultimate" in compatibility.. sort of.  The DOS and Mac
> sides were a bit picky, and the whole thing would get rather flaky at
> times, but it was a cool thing to demo at least.
> Wish I still had that system.. and a copy of OS9 for Amiga/68000.  I
> have a few Amigas around but none as classic as that decked out 2000.
> Good times.
> -Aaron
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Joel Ewy <jcewy at swbell.net> wrote:
> > On 08/26/2011 07:48 AM, Aaron Banerjee wrote:
> >> Well, currently I have 4 Cocos, an Apple IIe, a Macintosh LC (say, does
> >> anyone know how to write a floppy readable by that computer?),
> > 
> > Well, without the use of special software (and possibly special hardware)
> > you can't normally write Mac formatted floppies on other systems.
> >  However, if all you want to do is get some data onto the Mac by means
> > of floppy disk, the Mac should be able to read MS-DOS formatted
> > floppies, if you have the Foreign File Access extension installed.
> > 
> > JCE
> > 
> >> an 8088 with dual floppy drives....
> >>  Ask me what I've got left after the hurricane blasts through here
> >> tomorrow....
> >>               - Aaron
> >> 
> >> On Aug 25, 2011, at 7:11 PM, Jeremy Michea wrote:
> >>> I thought it might be an interesting discussion. Obviously we all love
> >>> the Coco but what else do you love? Many of you may know that I'm a
> >>> huge Atari fan and have been collecting for the Atari 2600/7800 and
> >>> 8-bit line of computers for about 20 years now, on and off as it was
> >>> my first console in 1980. Through the 80's I also owned the original
> >>> Nintendo (NES) and Turbografx-16 but the only computer I used aside
> >>> from PC's (late 80's and early 90's) was my beloved Coco.
> >>> 
> >>> As a side note, I almost didn't get a coco. Brand loyalty at the time
> >>> lead our family to buy an Atari 800XL but my father wasn't interested
> >>> in buying all new software and games for a new system so a friend
> >>> suggested the coco since he had all kinds of software to share with us
> >>> (well, copied software on cassettes but as a 13 year old in 1982 I
> >>> wasn't aware or concerned about piracy so that's another story) so we
> >>> got a used Coco 1 with the chicklet keyboard, a cassette player and a
> >>> bunch of cassettes with, yes, mostly games. I did do some homework but
> >>> lets be honest, I spent most of my time playing some great coco 1
> >>> games.
> >>> 
> >>> As another side, yet rambling note, what BBS's did any of you use back
> >>> in the day? Here in Southern Ontario, the one I used the most in my
> >>> area was called "Route 66". I believe it was the only coco based BBS
> >>> in my area where it seemed predominately Commodore 64. Also downloaded
> >>> a lot of software from Route 66 as well as a local coco user group
> >>> that met once a month in a local french public school.
> >>> 
> >>> I remember being so excited when the Coco 3 was announced. I spent the
> >>> summer prior to its release in the glorious field (literally) of corn
> >>> detasseling to save up the money to buy my brand new Coco 3. I remember
> >>> being in complete awe of the demo in the store and the manager was nice
> >>> enough to make a disk copy that I played a lot at home. :)
> >>> 
> >>> Anyway, I've rambled enough. Anyone else have any stories about their
> >>> other retro passions, coco musings, etc? :)
> >>> 
> >>> --
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> >>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
> >>> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
> >> 
> >> --
> >> Coco mailing list
> >> Coco at maltedmedia.com
> >> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
> > 
> > --
> > Coco mailing list
> > Coco at maltedmedia.com
> > http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
> --
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