[Coco] ANNOUNCE: Cloud-9 Website Update

Roger Taylor taylor at newfoal.com
Wed Aug 24 23:12:56 EDT 2011

At 08:53 PM 8/24/2011, you wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>We've updated the main page of our website at 
>http://www.cloud9tech.com/  Check it out!
>Happy CcCoing,
>The Cloud-9 Team

Losing Sales, are ya?

Thanks for the plug, Boisy, but you're really showing how childish 
you are by replacing what used to be a nice product page with 
GARBAGE.  I can only assume this is in direct response to me using 
the words "Cloud-9 gangsters" yesterday which can be taken any way 
you like.  Team, gang, whatever.  It's always been a group of you 
guys vs. ONE ME.  I call this ganging up on one man.  And you guys 
have always done it best.  No, I don't see it as a major problem 
because it leads to excellent competition, Which Will Continue.

And to recall, you demanded that I remove the words "Cloud-9 HATES 
this thing!" referring to the Drive Pak, from the front page of my 
former web site once, which I removed Right Then out of respect.

I was right, wasn't I ?
I'm unethical, aren't I ?

Anyway, no need to reply.  I took your bait and this was my 
response.  Nice Job, guys.  The graphics and fonts are eye 
catchers.  Very Appealing at First Glance.

~ Roger Taylor

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