[Coco] Hello

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Thu Apr 21 02:08:51 EDT 2011

On 20/04/2011 9:37 PM, Sean wrote:

> I remember several members of my local CoCo club going the Amiga route
> in the late 80's-early 90's.  I was still young and poor, so it wasn't
> until college in the 90's when I finally upgraded, and had no choice
> by then but to go the PC route.

I had just started working as an undergraduate when I saved every penny 
to buy my A500. Then immediately I began saving for a colour monitor - 
which IIRC cost just as much as the Amiga itself back then!?! :O

Previously my father had paid for 'my' Coco and 4P. He had a Model I 
which he had pimped out by the time the IBM XT became affordable.

I remember using the A500 as my primary machine for a few years after 
moving out and starting work. I had a PC on my desk at work, and when my 
father finally traded up to an AT, I gladly took the XT. Sadly, that was 
probably one of the last days I used my Amiga for many many years. :(

I never did get 'into' either the Coco as much as the TRS-80 Model I/4P 
before them, or the PC (and to a lesser extent, the Amiga) after them. 
But these days I have a much better appreciation for both, and I've 
vowed to never part with any of my retro gear until the day I die (much 
to my wife's dismay).


|    Mark McDougall    |  Error: witty remark not found!
| <http://pacedev.net> |

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