[Coco] Curious game no coco

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Thu Apr 14 17:12:34 EDT 2011

At 03:58 PM 4/14/2011, you wrote:
>This type of game does not lend itself for predefined/precomputed 
>water because the user can change the path of the water.  That's the 
>whole idea behind the game.

>Also, the flow of water blocks from a given point does not always 
>move the same direction or speed.  At 1:39 into the game demo, the 
>water blocks flowing from the same point but do not end up going to 
>the same place.  Some split to the right and some to the left.

Perhaps the droplets are randomly or by force jumping to other nearby 
defined paths, with the Y position being the index within its path 
table.  During the falling process, I don't see droplets veering to 
the left or right ranbomly.  However, the predefined paths look like 
they veer to the left and right.  :)

I'm just offering a second idea of how the author may have done this effect.

~ Roger Taylor

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