[Coco] Curious game no coco

Steve Bjork 6809er at srbsoftware.com
Thu Apr 14 15:28:35 EDT 2011

Looking over the game play, the Scrolling effect could be done on the 
CoCo 3 but would take two screen buffers of 68k each.  (This is like the 
scrolling effect in the game Marty's Nightmare, but you would need the 
infinite screen scroll to get the height of a level in the game.)

The water effect is from many small blocks that act like water.  The 
logic looks simple...

When a water block hits something in path, it looks for a new "open" 
direction to travel.  Each new direction is weighted with how likely the 
water would flow that way with a bit of randomness.  The water block 
picks the most weighted direction from the list and moves that way.

This type of logic is easy for the CoCo to do for 10 or 20 water blocks 
on the level.  But this game has hundreds (if not 1000's) water blocks 
that would slow the game to just a few frames per second.  (Not very 

This is another case of game design that had to wait for a more power 
computer then those made back in the 80's.


On 4/14/2011 7:04 AM, John W. Linville wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 09:22:29AM -0400, Luis Fernández wrote:
>> I set this game that I think the original concept has not been seen on consoles,
>> and is perfect to do it in coco
>> I know there are people and companies that still make games for coco,
>> maybe I wanted to try and seek the opinion for all to see if they seem feasible
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFIy_GsKfU0&NR=1 		 	   		
> The water effects are cool... :-)
> Keep in mind that the Acorn A3010 has an ARM processor, signicantly
> more powerful than the 6809.  But if you can figure-out the physics
> for the water flow, I think some version of this would be reasonably
> doable on the CoCo3.
> John

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