[Coco] Deskmate 3 article link

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Thu Sep 16 18:10:09 EDT 2010

On 17/09/2010 5:17 AM, Willard Goosey wrote:

> Heh, their loss.  I think the VDG was a very impressive chip, and that
> the lack of hardware sprites was a feature, not a bug.  Sprite-based
> video controllers are a pain in the butt if you're trying to do
> anything but a video game.

That's a very odd statement. Sprite-based controllers all offer some sort of 
tile-based or bitmap mode by necessity.

I think you mean sprite-tilemap based controllers, IOW, lacking bitmap mode?!?


|              Mark McDougall                | "Electrical Engineers do it
|  <http://members.iinet.net.au/~msmcdoug>   |   with less resistance!"

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