[Coco] Artifacting (again)

Little John sales at gimechip.com
Wed Sep 1 19:42:39 EDT 2010

Holding down F1 at startup set's the alternate phase on the CoCo 3.

Most of the games I remember, Dallas Quest, The King, etc. were RED/BLUE 
artifacted and the screen came up either RED or BLUE and you pressed RESET 
until it switched from RED to BLUE or BLUE to RED (depending on the game...)

-John's DAD

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Arthur Flexser" <flexser at fiu.edu>
To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Coco] Artifacting (again)

> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 6:54 PM, Rob Rosenbrock 
> <rob.coco at zaphod.tzo.com>wrote:
>> >
>> > I notice dmkeil's Coco 2 emulator page shows Clowns & Balloons with
>> red/blue artifacting, whilst L. Curtis Boyle's page shows it with
>> orange/cyan colours?!?
>> I've always noted that no two televisions have the same picture. Possibly
>> they emulated the artifacting to match what they saw on their own 
>> monitors.
>> After all, it is an illusion of color.
> I think the explanation of the discrepancy is rather due to the fact that
> the CoCo 1&2 had two different modes of displaying the artifact colors,
> randomly determined after a restart or the pushing of the reset button.
> Some games instructed you to begin by repeatedly pressing reset until the
> initially displayed screen appeared as orange rather than blue (or vice
> versa), so that the artifact colors would appear the way the game's author
> intended.  On the CoCo 3, in composite mode only, this was emulated
> by holding down F4 (I think) before pressing reset to cause the color mode
> to flip to the alternate one.
> Art
> --
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