[Coco] home from cocofest

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Tue May 18 05:36:15 EDT 2010

On Tuesday 18 May 2010, RJRTTY at aol.com wrote:
>     I made it home alive in a relatively uneventful  trip.


>I did see a half dozen car accidents and some wicked
>weather going through charleston west by god virginia.

Hey, pilgrim, we capitalize that in these here parts. ;-)

>I had a great time at the fest and saw some really
>awesome stuff there.
>Hope to see some of you who couldn't make it this
>year next year.
>Now I got to go to work making more converters and
>thinking about the next weird thing I will bring to the
>fest.... :)

But I haven't seen a movie of that robot yet.  Someone said it was pretty 


Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Slous' Contention:
	If you do a job too well, you'll get stuck with it.

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