[Coco] "C" Compiling Was: New CoCo site for programmers

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Wed Mar 24 18:32:24 EDT 2010

On Wednesday 24 March 2010, Stephen H. Fischer wrote:
>Gene, please do not take this badly, we all are responsible.
>When I signed on to Delphi at 300 baud it was a new world. I still have the
>transcript of that session and many others. That's how part of what I will
>be describing can be helped.
>The files offered had one line descriptions and long descriptions, some
>quite long. That was back in the 1980s.
>Now today, well into the Twenty-first Century, on RTSI and perhaps your
>we have ...... *filenames only* . ................
>I consider this a great step back.
It is, but my talents as a web composer are sucky at best.
>What I hoped that you would be providing was not the files but a
> description of the compiling process for "C" identifying the various
> programs in the process and noting why you chose them.

I'll see if I can't cobble something together, but its been a few years since 
I actually ran the c compiler on my machine, so bear with me please.  
Memories get hazy after a 15 year hiatus.

>I may be able to recognize which programs are used and figure out how to
> use them but some other interested persons may not be able to.
>I do not know if it still would be useful but I had a system that after
>editing part of "Colorful SLED" or other program under development, I just
>invoked a shell script and all the rest was automated using several shell
>scripts and "make" which is missing from your site.

We do have a 'make', and I have used it, but generally, that compiler is 
driven with what is essentially a shell script called CC or some variation on 
that theme.  There are many of those, all of them editable to do as you like.
Later this evening I'll see if I can't build a instruction web page, but I 
may need help with that. ;)

>I expect that I would learn new things and others would also. Your words I
>would suggest be offered to the new Webmaster to be built into a web page
>with "Color", diagrams and pictures.

>To balance out the age of pictures on the Internet, I offer this one:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Gene Heskett" <gene.heskett at verizon.net>
>To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:15 PM
>Subject: Re: [Coco] New CoCo site for programmers
>> On Wednesday 24 March 2010, Stephen H. Fischer wrote:
>>>Did you not say that you were going to add to your page the list of "C"
>>>compiler utilities?
>> I can do better than that, I can put the ones I have up on my page, some
>> of
>> which may even be there, I added another link a week or so back to
>> another directory where I'd put some of my utility's and such.
>> Check at <http://gene.homelinux.net:85/gene/Genes-os9-stf>
>> I just looked, looks like most of it is there, ping me if anything you
>> know
>> about is missing.
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)

I had pancake makeup for brunch!

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