[Coco] CoCo Gallery

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 22:57:15 EDT 2010

On Tuesday 08 June 2010, Roger Taylor wrote:
>The CoCo Gallery has yet again been removed from coco3.com due to
>abuse by some unknown spambot or source linked to the zettapetta
>attack thing.  Whoever the bastard is somehow knew to tap into the
>part of the system that casts a shadow around pictures.  Because my
>gallery config uses the shadow on all pictures, this rat went to work
>quick and got his way.  The gallery is gone.

Which is too bad.

>Through every gallery attack in the past, I've saved the photos
>uploaded by users when accounts were offered, so one day soon I hope
>to get a safer gallery system in place and repost all these
>pictures.  The thing is: gallery2 is probably the best there
>is.  I've seen a lot of gallery knockoffs and nothing comes close.  I
>think it's open source, but not 100% sure.  If it is, lord help us
>all.  Everything open source is wide open to hackers.

But then you go and blame it on open source.  Now, I am not familiar with 
gallery2, so please explain the link between open source and gallery2.

>I've got a lot of clean backups of the site, and just upgraded the
>WordPress system yet again, and even made it through 3 crappy calls
>to the pretend tech support at bluehost with different kids each time
>unable to speak in complete sentences.

>I basically picked up on their tone of voice and started playing into
>the situation.  The third kid was trying to get me off the phone and
>I said... ok, fella, now what... you want me to hang up, and if the
>site's not back up, then what?  He said... uh.... you'll need to talk
>to tech support.  I said, I thought I WAS talking to tech
>support!  He said, No, this is the account abuse department.  I said,
>Un-Freaking-Believable.   This is the third guy who's asked me Can I
>Help you during the same phone call and I've repeated my password 3
>times.  Can somebody there help me? Then I reminded him that I've
>been with bluehost for many years and the tech support keeps getting
>crappier, and he went silent and transferred me to tech
>support.  Heheh.  After 10 minutes of being on music hold, I realized
>there would be no tech response today, so I dove in and fixed the site
> myself.
>Please don't offer me web hosting to get away from bluehost... it's
>not a bad system but the guys you get ahold of sometimes seem to be
>underpaid.  99% of everything else is just what I need, and they just
>improved on a lot of their services that were already top grade.

But BlueHost is an all MS house right?  I rest my case, pending further 

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Hartley's First Law:
	You can lead a horse to water, but if you can get him to float
	on his back, you've got something.

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