[Coco] Backup Magic (Was: Good Memories with Mr. Bjork)

J.P. Samson coco+list at jeanpaulsamson.com
Thu Jul 29 20:35:58 EDT 2010

On Jul. 29, 2010, at 6:15 PM, Darren A wrote:
> Carl England has a newer product called BACKUP MAGIC which is much
> easier to use than the DEFEATER:
> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/Backup_Magic
> The problem is figuring out how to purchase a copy of BACKUP MAGIC.

I bought a copy of Backup Magic three years ago directly from Carl.   
He is a subscriber to this list.  (Hint: Log in to the subscriber list  
and search for someone with the name "Spock" in his e-mail address-- 
that's him.)

The CoCo subscriber list log in can be found here:

I had to send him a money order and get a copy of the floppy by mail,  
so the distribution is still decidedly low tech.

Backup Magic successfully made bootable copies of only a few of my  
protected game disks.

It failed on:
Kyum-Gai: To Be Ninja (Sundog Systems)
Buzzard Bait (Tom Mix)
Sailor Man (Tim Mix)
Time Bandit (Michtron)

It did succeed on:
Sinistaar (Sundog Systems)
Warrior King (Sundog Systems)

On Aug. 31, 2007, at 6:11 PM, carl j england wrote:

> Backup Magic requires a CoCo3 and two disk drives.  Can be used to
> backup MOST Copy-Protected disks.  Can also be used to transfer the
> Copy-Protected disk to your PC (PC must have a floppy drive--has
> only been tested using David Kiel's emulator).  The "real" copy is a
> duplicate of the original and is also Copy-Protected.  The emulator
> copy will have a "virtual" copy-protection.  It cannot be copied using
> the emulator, but can be copied under DOS or Windows.
> The price for Backup Magic is $25 (includes shipping)

-- JP

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