[Coco] An 8-Slot Multi-Pak Design for my Color Computer Friends

jdaggett at gate.net jdaggett at gate.net
Mon Jul 5 11:48:18 EDT 2010

On 4 Jul 2010 at 19:16, Gene Heskett wrote:

> TBT, the shacks own design re the ground plane sucks, big time.  I had to 
> add more bypassing and lots of 12 gage solid jumpers to get the ground 
> bounce down to the no error levels in my mpi.  I started with about 2 volts 
> in the middle of it, referencing the clip ears on the coco's motherboard.

For some reason some think that the more ground the better. That is not always the truth. 

In some layouts you get fingers of ground that lies between runners that tend to float or are 
tied to a ground at one end. These are more potentially bothersome than no ground fill at all. 

Putting ground in on a two layer board has to be done with some thoughts. I find it is always 
best to route power and ground first. Then signals. trying to move the power and ground as 
little as possible. 


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